If you have fallen off of your diet due to a special occasion or just a busy schedule do not get discouraged yet. Studies have shown that if you add more fiber into your daily diet this may prevent weight gain and even help with weight loss. For example, adding eight more grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories could help you lose up to four pounds.
Some foods that are rich in fiber may include green beans. One cup of green beans has 4 grams of fiber and also offers a good dose of vitamin C which is good to help boost your immune system and provide you with healthier looking skin. Another food high in fiber and good for weight loss is a medium sweet potato. This provides five grams of fiber and only contains one hundred and three calories. It also has vitamin A which is good for your vision, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and potassium and magnesium which are also all good for your body.
Foods that may people often think of in the fall also contain a healthy amount of fiber. They are pumpkins and apples. Pumpkins contain three grams of fiber when cooked and also contain vitamins A, C, and E, as well as potassium. Apples contain fiber and the larger the apple the more fiber it will contain. For example, a medium apple contains four grams and a large apple contains five grams of fiber. Apples also contain some vitamin C and potassium.
Losing weight can be a long and difficult process for so many people, but if you just remember to add these fiber rich foods to your diet, you may find the process a bit easier. Fiber also helps promote a healthy digestive tract and helps us to feel better. So include these foods in your snacks and meals and you may just see some successful weight loss results.
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