There are many vitamins and minerals which the human body needs in order to remain healthy, but many people do not do all they can to make sure they reach their recommended daily dosage of vitamins and minerals. Potassium is one of the three most abundant minerals in the human body and it is essential for the proper functioning of many bodily organs. This essential nutrient helps to carry oxygen to the brain and also plays an important role in neurotransmission and nerve function. Potassium is also instrumental in regulating blood pressure and fluid levels so it is important that you receive the proper amount of potassium in your daily diet. Most studies recommend that you receive 2,000mg to 3,000mg of potassium from your everyday diet and you can reach this dosage by eating potassium rich foods and by taking potassium supplements. You should be careful, however, if you choose to take potassium supplements because the body does not absorb them as well as natural potassium and you could experience stomach problems as a result.
The best way to reach your adequate daily dosage of potassium is by eating foods rich in potassium. There are many options when it comes to potassium rich foods. There are fruits like bananas, papaya, honeydew, apricots, strawberries and melons in addition to vegetables like broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, spinach, and leafy greens. Potassium can also be obtained from protein sources like beans, beef, fish, nuts, and poultry. These are only a few of the potassium rich foods which you can add to your diet - for more detailed lists of potassium rich foods or for sample diets that could help you reach your adequate daily dosage look online or consult your physician. Having too little potassium in your system could result in muscle spasms, fatigue or weakness, or low blood pressure so be sure to eat plenty of potassium rich foods.
While there are many health benefits associated with potassium, there are also some risks linked to having too much potassium in your system. Individuals who have kidney problems are at especially high risk for potassium overdose and may experience nausea, a weak pulse, or an irregular heartbeat. If you have any concerns or if you are thinking about changing your diet to include more foods rich in potassium, consult your doctor to be sure that making such changes will not put your health at risk.
Include potassium rich foods in your diet today for healthy eating. Visit our site today for a list of foods rich in potassium.
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