2012年9月18日 星期二

The Best Ways to Prevent Acne By Eating the Right Foods

There is a general confusion about linking food with acne. Well, there is a connection after all. It's all interlinked actually. I'll try to make it as simple as possible. Different people have different skin types. In fact, your skin type is as unique as your fingerprint.

So, your skin reacts differently with different foods. Like for instant, there are some people, whose skin can adapt to eating more oily food than others. Of course, too much oily food is unhealthy, unless if you consume it in modest amounts.

But it's a different case for those who are suffering from any form of skin blemishes. Some of the common food which they consume could worsen their condition! So, it's really important to know what you eat. I'm going to list out a few good foods that are generally healthy to eat.

It could prevent you from getting acne. For those who have acne, this list is more like a natural treatment for curing it. I'll place the foods in three different categories. They are mainly water, fiber rich food and food high in antioxidants.


I'll start with the basics. It all goes down to drinking water which is our natural resource to help hydrate our bodies. Well, I'm sure that you would have heard that drinking 8 glasses of water every day will help you get rid of toxins. Yes! That's true.

Well, for some it would just need about 6 to 7 glasses a day. Eight glasses of water is just a standard measure. You don't really have to follow that. The most important thing is that you must listen to your body.

So what is a toxin? A toxin is a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms. They can be small molecules or proteins which are capable of causing diseases upon contact with or absorption by body tissues interacting with biological macromolecules like enzymes or cellular receptors.

Toxins vary greatly in their severity, ranging from usually minor and acute to almost deadly. I know it sounds a bit medical here, but the bottom line is they are not a good thing to be allowed to build in within our body and that is the thing you must understand.

When your skin becomes dry, it will worsen your acne condition. So how can you tell when your skin is turning dry? It simply means, your body lack enough water. The first sign is dried lips. You can also check the skin on your palms. They are usually very dry and you can see some whitish wrinkling scaly effect. Just rub your fingers and it will be noisy! So do yourself a favor by drinking a glass of water every 2 to 3 hours.


Next I'll talk about eating foods rich in fiber. They are commonly found in fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts. Fiber has plenty of benefits as they play an essential part of a healthy diet by adding bulk to your diet, making you feel fuller and also controlling your weight.

Fiber and fiber rich foods help your body digest your food better and prevent constipation. It will help to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and also may help to prevent, ulcers, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Increasing dietary fiber too quickly can lead to gas, diarrhea, bloating and cramps. You should add fiber to your diet gradually. It is the best approach when you want to include fiber in you diet on a daily basis. Once your body gets accustomed to it, you can start adding other forms of fiber in your diet. So having said that, isn't it justifiable for me to list out a few of these great foods? Here you go.


Dried Figs
Dried Peaches
Dried Apricots
Apple with skin

Grains, cereal and pasta:

Spaghetti, Whole-wheat
Bread (rye, whole-wheat, mixed-grain, cracked-wheat)
Bran flakes

Legumes, nuts and seeds:

Black beans
Lima beans
Baked beans
Pistachio nuts


Potato baked with skin
Air-popped popcorn
Cooked Artichoke
Brussels sprouts
Tomato paste
Boiled Turnip greens


Eating foods rich in anti-oxidant really matters a lot especially for your skin to remain healthy. They are also linked to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. Antioxidants are nutrients that help protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals which are rogue molecules that attack healthy cells.

So what is a free radical? Let me give you some analogy. It's just like a car which is running on fuel by burning it together with oxygen generated by the pistons. The car runs on this released energy which also gives off exhaust fumes as a by-product. Now this exhaust fumes are definitely not good for the environment.

It's the same thing that happens in the cells of our bodies. When our bodies combine oxygen with glucose, which is our natural body fuel, our cells make energy. But we also make free radicals, which is our body's version of exhaust fumes. Free radicals are created within our bodies as they process food.

But additional free radicals also develop when we are exposed to environmental toxins like, pesticides, dioxins, asbestos, chloroform, chlorine and radiation. Pollutants like, cigarette smoke and air pollution, ultraviolet rays, and even stress. So our best defence against these free radicals is to keep our antioxidant levels as high as possible.

And how can we achieve that? Yes, by eating food that is high in antioxidant. Foods rich in Vitamins A, B, and D as well as those rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, chloride, magnesium, zinc, iron and sodium add to my list.

Foods that is rich in Vitamin A:

Low Fat Yoghurt
Egg Yolks
Sweet Potatoes
Dried Apricots
Mozzarella cheese

Foods that is rich in Vitamin B:

Clams, Oysters and Mussels
Fish Eggs
Crab and Lobster
Mutton (lamb)
Swiss Cheese

Foods that is rich in Vitamin D:

Shiitake & Button Mushrooms
Sockeye Salmon
Tuna Fish
Cod Liver Oil

Ok. Although sunshine is not a food, I have to include it here. That is because getting some fair amount of sunshine daily will increase the intake of Vitamin D in your body.

Beta-Carotene and Zinc

Now you may not have heard this term before, but this would need a separate mention and they are also an antioxidant.

Eating food rich in beta-carotene and zinc will actually not only prevent acne, but also naturally acts as a healing process and anti-scarring of acne. Beta-Carotene is a carotenoid compound responsible for giving fruits and vegetables their orange pigmentation.

It is a powerful antioxidant that has been found to help protect against cancer and aging. Yes! I just mentioned about aging. That's good news for your skin isn't it? Since beta-carotene is a fat soluble vitamin, consuming the following foods with a fat like olive oil or nuts can help absorption.

Foods that is rich in beta-carotene

Dried Herbs (Basil)
Mustard Greens
Turnip Greens
Sweet Potato

So, there you have it! I've presented here a decent list of foods that can really prevent and cure acne naturally. You may print out this list for your reference. If you find this list too exhaustive, then you can easily find some common foods among this list which almost appear on every category.

They are carrots, fish, eggs, potatoes, spinach, nuts and orange. These items are easily available in every nearby supermarket and they are really cheap too! And to wrap up with all these diet, please supplement with enough water. Just as how important oxygen is for us, so is water for our skin.

My name is Sunil Visvambaram. I'm currently doing a research on natural adult acne treatments and writing articles on my findings. Acne is a skin disorder condition that affects almost any part of your body. But it primarily affects on your face. This has become a serious issue that many actually overlook. In fact, it affects more than 17 million adults in the US alone! If you let your acne unattended, it can really turn out to become a severe condition which needs medical attention. Please visit my website http://adultacnetreatmentreviews.com for more information on how to prevent, manage and cure your acne.

(c) Copyright - Sunil Visvambaram. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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